“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”
Women’s Life Skills
An 18 month project that teaches local women on daily life topics. This curriculum has been developed in partnership with local women to provide real life usable information and to give readily accessible tools that empowers change to daily habits that are in reality obstacles preventing better health, better hygiene, and better financial practices within their family. Some of the topics they are taught on include malaria, proper food preparation, infant and child care, prenatal care, importance of girls education, first aid, and finance. At the end of each topic they are given tools that relate to the topic, such as mosquito nets to prevent malaria or material for school uniforms, so that they can implement the principles that were taught. After the class completes all topics they have a graduation party to receive certificates and celebrate their achievements.
Club PfP
This is a club for middle and high school aged students. Through the club they are encouraged and motivated to stay in school, receive school supplies, exam preparation, educated on life topics such as hygiene and importance of girls education, play on a soccer team, and attend a back to school party.
Through this project, some middle and high school students, whose mothers are in our Life Skills Class, are taught how to use computers. They begin with how to plug it in and turn it on to producing documents. In their computer classes at school, there is one computer for approximately 80 students, meaning most students learn about computers through schematic drawings only. This allows students to have hands on technology training.
Book Sharing
In the public schools in Benin, majority of students attend school with no school books. The school does not provide the students with books, therefor the parents have to purchase books for each of their children. Most families have at least three children making it impossible to provide books for them. With book sharing, kids are placed into small groups based on where they live and their grade level and they have access to school books as they need them. This allows them an opportunity to practice and study at home, improving their grades and opportunity for success in school. This project is available for Club PfP and children of women in our Life Skills class