Health Care
“There can be no real growth without healthy populations. No sustainable development without tackling disease and malnutrition. And no hope for the spread of freedom, democracy and human dignity unless we treat health as a basic human right.”
PfP partners with doctors to identify malnourished and sick children
Through our health projects we are able to partner with local doctors and nurses during village malnutrition and malaria clinics to identify malnourished and sick children.
We provide financial support for medical costs and teach guardians how to keep their children healthy
We provide financial support to the guardian of the child and cover all medical costs to bring the child back to healthy standing.
In addition, the female guardian of the child must attend our Life Skills to have an understanding of how they arrived at having such an unhealthy child and how to prevent from happening again.
We offer assistance to babies whose mother has died during or after child birth
We also offer the same assistance to babies whose mother has died during or after child birth. Many times these babies come to us after a few months of some one with good intentions but not an understanding of how to care for the child trying feed and care for the baby unsuccessfully, many times the baby weighing the same weight they did at birth. They are given financial support for medical care and the opportunity to join our classes to teach ad train them how to better care for this child and any other children they may have at home. We partner with them for up to two years providing formula and fortified food and cereal for the baby to ensure a healthy foundation.